May 16, 2010

Unpacked... finally.

The new craft room is up and running! I finally bought a bookcase so I could unpack everything. I had my heart set on finding some awesome vintage looking bookcase that I could paint some crazy color but had to settle for IKEA. I had a really hard time finding time to hit the garage sales. I may still try and find something, but at least I can get to all my supplies now. It's not much (and please ignore the few piles), but here it is so far...

My future Father-in-law bought me that sweet ass desk from a retailer that was going out of business. I think it used to sell Levi's or something like that. Either way... it is solid and awesome.

Next step... decorate. I don't know about you, but tan just doesn't scream creativity.

 Peace & Love!

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