May 16, 2010

Unpacked... finally.

The new craft room is up and running! I finally bought a bookcase so I could unpack everything. I had my heart set on finding some awesome vintage looking bookcase that I could paint some crazy color but had to settle for IKEA. I had a really hard time finding time to hit the garage sales. I may still try and find something, but at least I can get to all my supplies now. It's not much (and please ignore the few piles), but here it is so far...

My future Father-in-law bought me that sweet ass desk from a retailer that was going out of business. I think it used to sell Levi's or something like that. Either way... it is solid and awesome.

Next step... decorate. I don't know about you, but tan just doesn't scream creativity.

 Peace & Love!

May 8, 2010

I'm Baaaack!

I'm back and it feels great! Those of you that read this (if you are even out there) will notice that this is my first post. Yeah... that's because I deleted all of the old ones. I became embarrassed when the time between posts stretched from weeks to months to over a year {{hangs head}}.

BUT... I just crafted for the first time in over 6 months. That’s right... 6 months. It was so exciting I thought I should share it with the world :) What’s my excuse you say? Well first I got engaged, then the holidays got in the way, then we moved into a new house, blah blah blah. Boy time flies. I hope to be crafting a lot more now that I have (drum roll please)... my very own craft room! Ahhhhh!!! It isn't even unpacked yet... but I can tell it is going to be awesome.

My first project in the new craft room was a few pairs of earrings for Mom for Mother's Day (sorry Mom if this blew the surprise). I haven't made jewelry since I get my sewing machine... geez that was almost a year and a half ago. Let me tell you... it was amazing. I forgot how much I enjoy making jewelry. Maybe the excitement will continue and I'll re-start my etsy shop.

Anyway... off to wrap Mom's gift :)

Peace & Love!